

You are now on a site where you can download and print games for 4 to 10-year old children. You will find  colouring pages, mazes, connect the dots activities, spot the differences games, drawings to reproduce... in order to learn through playing. I am the author of these games and I hope you will enjoy them.


Take a look on few games by clicking on one of these funny ants.


 or knock the door...

All the games and drawings are the author's property and they don't be used for business or any others professional activities without author's authorisation ( copyright).

Editeur  du site web :
Alain Barat, dessinateur  -  siret : 492056478 00018  -   tél. : 0778262927  -  104 rue Mauvesin 33320 LE TAILLAN-MEDOC (FRANCE)
Représentant légal : A. Barat, Responsable de la publication : A. Barat.
Hébergeur du site web :
Société OVH, SAS au capital de 10 059 500 €   -  2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix  France